
In which we explain in greater detail how the thing works.

Preparing the input data

  1. Data alignment and validation

  2. Determining renewable AC profiles and excess for DC charging

  3. Calculating net load

Dispatch logic

The dispatch logic is applied to each dispatchable resource (including storage) in each hour sequentially in order to serve load in that hour. The only exception to this process is the first hour in which historical dispatch is used and storage is charged if there is excess renewable generation.

The general approach is to try and meet load with already operating generators, then charge/discharge storage, then, if necessary, startup additional generators. In the process we start with what we call the deficit, which begins as simply net load in the hour, as we go through the procedure in an hour, we reduce the deficit as we dispatch resources to serve it.

The following is the procedure applied in each hour, after the first. See dispatch_engine() for the full implementation.

1. Calculate provisional deficit

Before we do anything we adjust the deficit that will be used to drive the dispatch logic. The goal of this process is to prepare storage for expected load over the next 24 hours, and note this the only place where the model can look into the future. We implement this by determining the state of charge we would like to be at given ‘expected’ near-term increase or decrease in net load, and then adjusting the deficit in order to get closer to that reserve level.

The first part is to calculate what the target reserve level is for each storage facility as follows, the target state of charge is simply the product of the reserve and the storage facility’s maximum state of charge. See dynamic_reserve().

(1)\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} ramp &= \frac{max(load_{h+1}, ..., load_{h+24})}{load_h} - 1\\ reserve &= 1 - e^{-coeff \times ramp}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Using these target states of charge we either increase the deficit so that we can run dispatchable generators more in order to charge storage. Or we reduce the deficit so that we run dispatchable generators less and are then able to draw down storage. If we do have excess reserve, we only adjust the deficit in order to draw down storage to 2x the reserve, not all the way down to the reserve. See adjust_for_storage_reserve().


The coefficient in the formula above can be set manually or the model can try a number of values and select the one that produces the least unmet load.

2. Dispatch already operating generators

In this step we set the output of all dispatchable generators that were operating in the previous hour in order of ascending marginal cost. Once a generator’s output is set the amount of that output reduces the deficit. Once the deficit reaches zero, subsequent generators may be turned off if allowed.

A generator’s output in a given hour is determined both by system need but may also be constrained by generator operating constraints which are, minimum uptime before output can be reduced, ramp rate (which is assumed to be symmetric), and historical hourly output. See calculate_generator_output(). Which of these will be applied to a given generator is configurable.

3. Charge storage

Storage can be charged from two sources, either from DC-coupled renewables, or from the grid at large. We assume that DC charging only occurs when coupled renewables generate more than they their inverter capacity, i.e. there is no strategic charging or ability to respond to level-system curtailment on the DC-side.

DC-charging is thus independent of grid conditions so any storage that is DC-coupled will be charged in every hour if there is generation to do so.

Additionally, storage can be charged by the grid if there is excess generation in an hour because of excess renewable generation (i.e. negative net load), because of an increase in the provisional deficit to increase storage state of charge, or because operating constraints prevented dispatchable generators from reducing output. See charge_storage().

4. Discharge storage (part 1)

If there is still a deficit for the hour we want to discharge each storage facility down to 2x its reserve in order to reduce the remaining deficit as much as possible.

5. Start offline generators

If a deficit remains after the first round of discharging storage, we start dispatchable generators that were offline in the previous hour in order of ascending marginal cost. A generator’s output will be the lesser of the remaining defict, its historical output, and its ramp rate in MW.

6. Discharge storage (part 2)

If there is still a deficit for the hour we discharge each storage facility down to zero state of charge in order to reduce the remaining deficit as much as possible.


  1. Place of storage in dispatch sequence means it reduces fossil dispatch more than it helps reliability. It can even make the latter worse by deferring fossil start-up until it is too late, i.e. make the required ramp steeper than the resources can meet.

  2. Unintuitive behavior of more storage hurting reliability because of previous combined with storage able to discharge faster means fewer hours of deficits but larger deficits in those hours.

  3. Storage reserves don’t see DC-charging potential and so may run fossil to charge storage that would have been charged by DC. While true on the charging side, it is also true on the discharge side so we don’t selectively deplete storage that can be recharged by expected captive generation.

  4. We cannot start up fossil generators to build up reserve.